Information for Clinicians
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D-Ostomy is the solution for:
- Incisions
- Open wounds requiring packing
- Use near VAc
- Scars
- Skin folds or rolls
- A second ostomy
- Adjacent drains
- Nearby umbilicus
- Wheelchair-bound patients for whom the edge of their current appliance rubs on the thighs
Ever been frustrated by a circular ostomy appliance that overlaps a fresh surgical incision? We know we have. The incision may weep a little, causing the ostomy adhesive to loosen and eventually lift. Before you know it, you are dealing with ostomy leakage and sometimes even a wound infection. Soon you are opening the wound to fight the infection, and now you have dressing within the landing field of your ostomy appliance. At least in the case of a VAC, there is plastic to land the appliance on. But then the VAC sucks stool from beneath the appliance into the wound. It soon feels like there is no way to win.
After years of feeling frustrated with this nightmare scenario, our team invented the D-Ostomy. We designed our novel, D-shaped ostomy to avoid appliance overlap from the very beginning. The straight edge can be placed against an incision, rather than over it, avoiding overlap and the issues that ensue. As we took our ostomy to conferences and discussed it with expert wound care nurses across the country, we learned of so many more great uses for the D-Ostomy beyond fresh midline incisions. It can help with open wounds requiring packing, with scars, skin folds and rolls, with second ostomies, and adjacent drains. It can be used near a VAC, next to an umbilicus, and to help wheelchair-bound patients avoid the discomfort of circular ostomies rubbing against their thighs. In all these cases and more, D-Ostomy can offer improved fit and comfort. Order yours today.

Every body is different. One person may need the straight edge at the top, while someone at the bottom. Someone else may need the straight edge to the right or the left. We get it. For this reason, our pouches come in all directions. You place the straight edge however you need that, and don’t worry if it turns our D into a U, or some other shape. Our drainable and closed pouches each come in four different directions so that we have whatever you and your patient need.